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Wednesday 10 July 2013

Science Fair - Mathew

In Term 2 of 2013 all students of the Kereru team were expected to experiment and complete a science fair project. My topic was about optical illusions. I had to test 1 year 2, 1 year 5, 1 year 7 and 1 adult. I gave them each a set of 5 different optical illusions Physiological illusion, Cafe illusion, Ebbinghaus Illusion, Perceptual illusion and Ponzo illusion. Try and figure out these brain bending illusions!


  1. Mathew

    I liked your science question it was very interesting. Before you presented to the class I couldn't figure at any. I really liked it :)


  2. Wow Mathew! That Looks Awesome! I Wonder How They Do It?

  3. Matthew,

    Great topic, how many of the students got the 'center of the flower correct'?

    Mrs Gregory.
