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Thursday 11 July 2013

Bubble-ology the chemistry of bubbles By Blake Summerfield

For the 2013 science fair in term 2 I did mine on the chemistry of bubbles. I used water and detergent as my control and then added to that corn syrup and glycerin. So I then had 3 different solutions that would be competing against the store brought mixture. Unfortunately when I did my first experiment where I blew then count the bubbles it was inconclusive so to get the answer I wanted I did another experiment. In this one I blew then timed the bubble before it popped on my wand/pipe cleaner.

The winner for my second experiment was corn syrup as it was thick and prevented the water in between the to soap layers in a bubble to not evaporate. Because glycerin did not win even though It was just as sticky as corn syrup was because glycerin only prevented the water from evaporating not make the soap stronger as well like what the corn syrup did. I was surprised the store brought product didn't do what I thought it would because they would have pt corn syrup into it to make it better but the internet did not supply me with the ingredients in the 'billion bubble' or even what is in any other bubble mixture. The reason detergent only failed was because it was to weak giving that there wasn't enough chemicals in it to provide a good bubble.
I had to use pipe cleaners for my wands. I just did  small circle on the end to make it. I made sure each solution had a different wand so there would be no cross-contamition. store brought=purple,
glycerin=green, corn syrup=blue and detergent only=yellow.

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