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Thursday 15 August 2013

Why we should develop the area beside room 11-14-Sam

Do you think that a clump of mud and grass makes a class resting beside it look great? NO IT DOES NOT! Thats why we should develop the area to make it more useful instead of puddles of mud waiting to slip its next victim.

Some kids fall behind on work and since they have no time to catch up in class, they could have an option to work on the concrete tables (that we could make or buy) outside instead of the library. It would also be nice and quite.

In addition for that to happen we need to change that waste of space since nobody uses it. It also looks bad for the school because the mud splatters allover the footpath and the teacher become frustrated.

While the year seven and eights eat their lunch, younger kids come and bug us. We could have our own privacy and we could be away from the screaming and shouting.

On behalf of the kereru team we would like you to put this in consideration.

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