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Tuesday 20 August 2013

REAL 3D \ By Teia

In the city of Auckland lived two brothers. One day they wanted to do something with their sister and older brother so they went to see despicable me in 3D.

Their brother was really cool he is a tall and strong 22 year old boy he had light brown hair and blue eyes. His personality wasn't that great because he was a gangster sort of guy along with his 13 year old brother who influenced him. But he had one big secret. He had one wish that he could use when ever he wanted it expired when he was dead.

When they got to the movies they went to a time zone to play some games and wait for the movie to start. When went into the movie the adds had just finished. (1 hour and 30 minutes later) "that was a good movie "" and funny too". When they got home they turned on the news it was all the same stuff weather,wellington earthquakes and riots. When the morning came i looked out the window to see a man getting taxed. He thought about it a bit and said "thats what happened in the movie". when he went to the mall he saw the man that got tazed. "must of been innocent" I thought to my self

When the got back from the mall they just did the same watched the news had tea and they just live their normal human lives. Then the kids went to school and the adults went to work. When the weekends came Dion came over with some very bad news. He told us that during the movie he accidentally said I wish this movie was real. Then the youngest brother spoke and said "i've noticed some stuff happening in real life that happened in the movie". "You know what that means we have to stop el macho" "the greatest super villain of all time. "wait we'll need a mission name how bout bad villain" "no no no how about operation REAL 3D.

"Ok it wasn't the guy at the hair shop because he was framed but we need proof it wasn't him" " then we have to catch el macho". "shhhhhhh there he is walking in to his secret lair lets go I can hear the music. "Its the dance floor go do you remember the combination" "yes" "ok its open lets go"  
"what she doing to the minions" "don't you remember he's turning them into killing machines.                                      
When they were running out side over 1 million deadly minions were realeased but out of know where their grandpa came flying in on an electric motor scoter with a jelly gun filled with a cure for the purple minions then the bad was caught and and shot with a real gun and droped into a volcano to make sure of his death, and they all had a great big group hug.


  1. Great story Teia Despicable me 2 rules

