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Thursday 15 August 2013

Persuasive writing- Gemma

Exercise interferes! 

School is meant for learning new things; writing, reading, maths etc. So why would you interfere with that learning process? Lunch and morning tea is the time for running around and basically exercising. You can also do it in your own time.

Children come to school to learn. When a teacher takes time exercise, it interferes with learning. You could be learning about how to read and/or write instead. So don't take time off life long learning skills that can give students a job.

Morning and lunch intervals are the time for students to eat, have a play and run around. But this also takes away valuable learning. These breaks are the two times (I believe) children can have a small run/play. After and before hours, students have plenty of time to exercise anyway. However after homework is completed  (to high standards). They have time to walk, bike, scoter and run after hours. 

If students exercise school hours, they will begin to get tired and they wont be focused and concentrated on their work. Maybe (if not focused and well mannered), teachers could send them for a run around the field. 

In conclusion to my debate, exercise shouldn't be in everyday life at school. It interferes with learning, plus it isn't substantial, what is? Learning.

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