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Wednesday 21 August 2013

INFINITY part 5 By Blake Summerfield

Suddenly the wire snapped and she cascaded down upon the road below. Quickly I ran over in the direction but it seemed she was further away than I thought. What I thought was 100 meters seemed more like 1000 meters. Debris, cars and tanks blocked the way there and a pit of oil lay in the middle with fire around the perimeter. I forced myself back but I knew I at least had a few minutes before I was burnt to dust. Slowly I tip toed through the piles of oil avoiding any patch that was about to ignite. Eventually I made it to the other, Only that's what I thought. One of the oil patches ignited into a small fire ball setting the others alight.

A huge eruption exploded from behind me causing a shock wave to blast me off my feet. I summersaulted through the air and with a smash I hit the side of a car. My arm was broken and 3 of my ribs had fractured. Slowly oil leaked from the exhaust and surrounded me. Now the oil was making it's way towards the blazing fury of flames. With the last of my strength I pushed my way up and around the car. My head was spinning and the pain in my chest was growing at an alarming rate. I dropped to the ground in front of a large hunk of metal. It wasn't a piece of metal, It was a bomb.

part 6 coming next week...

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