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Monday 17 June 2013

Very last day of school

It was a cold and wet winter morning at 11:30 am, At the bad school of bad people rain hitting the roof. everyone from the school had gathered to watch the school blow up. all the students where really excited and also because it was the very last day of the school.

The man that was blowing up the school was a cowboy named bob watterson. He had a big round cowboy hat and a ripped red sleeveless shirt and black cowboy boots. He also has a large majestic handle bar mustache but all he did was stare at it. And then the students started to chant blow it up!!!!!! over and over again and straight away he snapped out of his little dream. AND THAT'S WHEN IT HAPPENED....

As soon as he took his eyes off that mustache it jumped off his face and stole the cowboy gun it scared everyone off by firing some shots into the air. then it dropped the gun and grew 1 more arm and 2 more legs and ran away. when everyone was back he told them a story about this happening before but never like this. 

So they all went to the science room and bob said "we need to fight fire with fire" "what do you mean won't that just burn the school down" said one of the students "no you dummy I mean we make another mustache to try kill my mustache then we will blow up the school" "yes" "lets get on with it then I want to blow up the school"said one of the students..... 2 DAYS LATER they had finished there master piece. So one of the children had to go out and put it on the streets. No one could decide who would go so the played shortest straw and a boy named jonah got the shortest straw.

So he went out to the streets and placed down the mustache and then he ran as fast as he could back to school when he got back everyone was watching something on the t.v. He asked what they where watching and bob said "where not watching where tracking the mustache" and it seems they have just crossed paths. why didn't t attack him it's observing it.  The next pass it'll attack him, yahoo a big fight. It has begun the finial battle.( 1 hour later) zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ The fight had gotten boring but one person was still awake it was bob the final battle had been won by our mustache. Then they all went to the position of the mustache and smashed it to bits. 

But unfotunatly the school had gained money and they didn't get to blow up the school. 


  1. Teia, did you know that full-stops are little and scared so to make them feel better you ALWAYS need a big strong capital letter after it so it feels safe.... (this is what I tell my wee guys). I know that this may seem silly to you, and it probably is but if it helps you to remember it... then it has worked ae my boy.
    Smiles from Mum x

  2. I love this story because it describe things well in the first paragraph
