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Monday 17 June 2013

royal dodgeball

A game we like to play in the afternoons is kingball. Kingball is a simple game with simple rules, each class picks two representitives known as  the king and queen.

The king and queen start off with two balls, then they try to throw them at the opposite team.When everyone gets eliminated , the king and queen come in, you have to be the last one standing to win. If you have a ball you can defend yourself also you can dodge attacks if you don't feel safe.

You must work together if you want to succeed. If you seperate and their is no one looking after you, the most important rule is not to cheat.I think that even though it has lots of rules it is still  a great time.


  1. I like kingball but whats royal dodgeball

  2. Good explanation of game, sounds fun
    Mum xxx
