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Wednesday 5 June 2013


I am leading a hand full of a  life
I am watching My dad leave my for a trip 
I had a netball game on saturday  but dad did not come 
 because the lack of work pilled in the back of his brain 
I thought when he got older his work would die down 
and now, at 11
i realize its never going to happen 
I have seen chloe's eyes go watery as mine did too 
I have heard the panic in mum's to-wen racing us to school on time 
I used to think dad's old painting career would be enough for ever  
alone with mum's job too 
I know he does this for us and 
I know its his job  but i also know its real life and he has to do it 
I don’t know why dad loves carls j but it reminds me of him and the 
times we had as a family 
I detest kids who bully my family 
I hate my when my dad leaves with out a proper good bye 
I love the twilight saga and my family 
I love what ever come to mind 
I used to love chloe as a baby  but she got older a
I’ve lost my grandfather living in California 
I’m looking for a spark in my eye again 
I’m looking for another star in life 
And my heart is a restaurant serving to the public 

by Hannah 

1 comment:

  1. Hannah,
    I love your 'Collage', it really touched my heart!

    You still have 'that spark in your eye', I love that you are looking for another one!

    Mrs Gregory.
