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Sunday 24 November 2013

believe it or not!

1) In 2009 on the very top of the Youtube's most voted song was a song called Neon pegasus. Strange enough the song is more for young children being that its about a neon Pegasus but the song is so catchy that you have to put it number 1. (Link below for Neon Pegasus. Please watch.)

neon pegasus

2) In the 18th century Thomas Wedders got the record for the worlds longest nose reaching up to 19cm. But it doesn't end there, the same facial features on Thomas Wedders is almost identical to the feature from the village off of Minecraft. Accept Thomas never wore a brown coat.

3) In America during the 1980's lived an unusual women lurked the streets. Her lips had bloated up to an enormous size during her play at the London theatre. From then on her lips grew inch by inch and she died a couple years after her vision faded. Don't leave now because it gets weirder, Even though she was now the most ugliest person in the world she has had more than 3 proposal's. (That mean's she was divorced 2 times!)

4) This photo was published on the web by an anonymous person and spread through the internet like wild fire. No one knows who it is  and why he's holding a shopping bag. The mystery remains...

Please visit  Ripley's believe it or nots blog to see more weird things.

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