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Tuesday 5 November 2013

2013 PSYV Camp - Mathew

Camp is a great opportunity for kids to challenge themselves in a variety of ways ; overcoming fears, trying new things and much more. The year 7 & 8s of the Reremoana Kereru team got the opportunity to attend the Peter snell youth village camp site for 4 days and 3 nights. A lot of planning went into this event happen. The total of 51 students went to PSYV.

We all got split up into separate camp groups all consisting of 2 leaders of the teachers choice. All the groups names were the cookie minions, stagnation, champions, mischief monkeys and the baby ducks. Every group made their own unique coat of arms on a given banner. Every group also had to make a special chant showing what their team is about.

When the year 7 & 8s finally arrived at Peter snell youth village we first of all familiarized ourselves with the camp site. Later on everyone had to go to their group activity rotation. The activities at PSYV were the initiative course which contained a lot of activities that require team work to accomplish, rock climbing, abseiling down a very high wooden wall, air rifles, archery and camp cooking on hobo stoves. The best activity in my opinion was the air rifles. It was just something you don't do everyday. During free time there was many fun activities for example ; the extremely long water slide down 2 long hills, the playground and much more
One of the camp nights 3 groups had to experience the true feeling of camp and sleep out in tents. The groups also had to cook up their own dinner. The ingredients given were ; pre cooked sausages, bread and tin cans to choose randomly from. Each team had to gather around the camp fire and plan what they all wanted to eat. After that they all had to cook the delicious food into a delight. They had to cook enough food to last them until breakfast which was 12 hours away at the time.
Thursday was a very special day for all the campers as they went to snow planet. They all either got the option to snow board or to ski. Most people went skiing and only a little amount of people went snow boarding. Unfortunately there were 2 minor accidents obtained by Callahan and Jansje. The accidents were a broken leg and a broken arm. We first before we could even snowboard/ski we had to learn about how to do it. After the lessons we could ride from whatever height we would like. It was always hard to get up the steep hill so there was a gondola that would easily take you up the hill effortlessly. Overall the whole camp and snow planet experience is outstanding. I really enjoyed camp at Peter Snell Youth village.

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