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Wednesday 11 September 2013

SPEECH -by jari

speech:why you should go by bike ,and not with the car

taking the bike is healthy and good for you,and i strongly believe you need the exersise you get if you take the bike ,the most people have no idea how mach damage a car does i am gone tell you now

the car consumes a lot more carbon dioxide than a bicycle (on the bike you only get your breath)
the car consumes a lot to be exact ,and it maybe even harmful to the environment ,so mach that we
annually 1013 million liters of gasoline in 1 year is also offset to 46.6 million km of gasoline

people are increasingly by car,i admit it had become easier ,but so you keep getting lazy people
when it rains i also can imagine you go by car and not by bike/walking/scooter
but if there is anather way to do it ,than dont take the car and take the bike or walk

lots of people have no idea how mach damage a car does ,not already the costs are already very expensive ,but also the exhaust gases wich a car gives are very are not only dirty but also very bad for the atmosphere

when you are outside you get fresh air .this is good for your brains and you consenstration on school

not only the car it self and the costs are bad .but also the not moving is bad for you ,because sometimes when you go on holiday you are sitting in the car for agers ,and that is very bad for you because you need the exesise what you get if you take the bike
we have to convince the goverment to make more cyclepaths becuase yhan its mach saver for the cyclist ,so when you are taking the bike you are dying well

for example how mach damage and expensive is ,but also the amazing things from a car like....
dit you know you can drive about 50 km on 1 litre benzine ( but than you have to go 2.5 km a our:))

also  for example :a diesel car consumes 2.600 kg of carbon dioxide  of 379 litres diesel

example 2:a petrol car consumes 2.400 kg of carbon dioxide of 418 litres of petrol

parents,must give the good example to the children end take the bike or walk a lot more
so the children will do it also a lot more ,so other people will not take the car to,but you can...use the car for long trips but for short trips you can just take the bike or walk .

thank you for listening (or reading) my speech
and i hope a lot of people will take the bike a lot more or just walk.

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