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Saturday 28 September 2013

maths- Shayle

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1. jenny had 150 apples from the apple tree, 85 more fell down so she collected them how many does she have now?

2. bob found 87 buiscuits in the cuboard he decided to take 15, how many are still in the cuboard?

1. lily was in a math compitition, she had to times 35 by 8 she had no solution do you?
2. xavior had 60 bags of popcorn  he needed more so wanted to times them by 2 how much did he end up with?

1. amy had 45 lollies she had 5 friends come over so shared them out evenly, how many lollies did her friends get each.
2. James played soccer, his dad bought him 24 soccer balls to share with his team, he wanted to share them out evenly, how many did they get to play with each?

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