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Wednesday 22 May 2013

The man next door (part 1).

It was a normal day at the old street. Joe was red all over. He didn't like the idea of moving houses and away from all his friends. The new neighborhood was bare and lonely with no one living their but them. All the grass was dead and weeds grow all over the foot path. There was a round a bout by the corner and beside it was a creaking playground.

After unpacking, Joe's parents told him to go explore the new neighborhood and see if he can go make friends but they knew no one lived there except for them and the creepy man opposite their house. Every minute or so the man would stare down from his house upstairs. Joe took his skate board but it was no use, there were weeds all over the place and some were almost touching the side of the road, so he walked to the park.

Feeling as if he was being followed, Joe sat down on one of the creaking swings and sighed. Then from a bush nearby a man walked over to Joe and stood in front of him. Joe then recognized the man, he was the man who was always staring down at their house. The man wore a black coat up to his feet, a black hat and glasses. Joe couldn't help staring at the man as the man was staring back at him. Then the man finally lifted his hand and slid it in his coat and just before he took out something Joe ran away screaming and abandoning his skate board.

Joe's mom baked some muffins and told Joe to be a friendly person and take some to "the man next door", she thought Joe was just making up stories because he was lazy, but at the end Joe agreed because he made a deal with his mom. Joe was shaking as he reached the mans door with the basket of muffins. He held his breath and knocked on the door. He was about to change his mind until  he heard slow footsteps coming towards him, then the door creaked open and Joe coughed as he smelled a horrible smell coming from the house. When Joe opened his eyes the same man was standing in front of him, he wore the same clothes from before and they stared at each other until the man slid his hand inside his coat but this time Joe did not run away. The man took out something that looked familiar to Joe, his heart ached and he dropped his basket.

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