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Wednesday 29 May 2013

Devastation Part 1

We are going down fast! Our right turbine has caught fire and has blown. Try not to panic as we are professionals and we will try land as soft as possible. Suddenly the passengers watched the pilots jumping out the window with parachutes attached to their backs. As the pilots jumped their parachutes were sucked in to the turbine pulling the pilots along side with them, leaving blood splattered all over the windows. The passengers started to panic and two others tried to slow the plane from falling from such a great speed. They managed to slow the plane but not fast enough to stop certain death.

I woke up with a sharp pain running up my leg leading towards my head. I noticed  that a piece of metal had torn my muscle by ripping through the bone. The crash was devastating as I could see so many fatal deaths and a few badly injured. I no longer could hold the pain and went unconscious. I dreamed that I was arriving home with my family surrounding me. Many welcoming me home but something started to burn, I woke up and found myself in a bubbling pot. With native dancing around me speaking some type of language. Surprisingly pirates jumped out of the bush while holding weapons (swords and guns). All you could hear was the shriek of death.

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