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Sunday 12 May 2013

A Nightmare

It was a cold, dark night and the street lights turned on and off flickering in the dark.The streets were wet and alone as I walked on puddles. I squeezed my inhaler as I feel my asma congestion coming up.I get them when Im scared. My black, short hair is wet from that heavy rain and my brown eyes are red from being tired.

I turned around as I see a car coming towards me so I ran into a building. The building was dusty and stuffy with broken glass on the floor everywhere, The curtains were old and ripped and I gasped as I  stepped on broken glass. I knewI should have ran towards the car and called for help but something told me not to and the car has already pasted by. Now I was in the building not knowing where I am and how I got here, I pulled down a ripped curtain and placed in on a bench close by and laid down for the nights sleep.

I woke up to hear chain-saws and screaming that didnt sound too far away. I was dizzy and my eyes took time to adjust the light. Then everything was clear and now I could see that I was in a room that had no windows or anything else except a door. The room had scratches on the wall and blood was everywhere that it stank. I saw that I had chains on my foot with big round cement balls on the end. I was so shocked that I had to spray 5 times of my inhaler in my mouth. I heard screaming again that didn't sound to far away.

Then the door creaked open revealing a girl that stood beside it, She giggled and started to laugh. She had black hair that came to her waist and wore a black dress that had blood stained on them. She was walking on bare feet and had white eyes. She was holding a chain-saw with blood on it and was slowly walking forward sniffing at directions. I figured that she couldn't see because of her white eyes so just to make sure I took the glass that was stuck on my feet and threw it to a corner. It made such a loud noise that she walked forward towards the noise.

I pulled the chain saw and they weren't as heavy as I thought they were so I ran out the door. The outside was a inside dusty parking building. I kept on running but to my surprise the same girl was there in front of me with her bloodstained chain saw, I waited for death to come to me and I closed my eyes.

To my surprise I woke up to see my dog licking my face and my other dog looking out the window barking loudly. I yarned and stood up to look out the window and there standing in the fog was the same girl, she was looking up straight at me and smiling.


  1. That was so SCARY Finau!!! You described everything really well and I always had a clear picture in my head of what was happening.
    Awesome writing Finau,


  2. ahhhhhhhhhhhh
