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Monday 8 April 2013

Past midnight at school

One cold summer morning the morning of year (7&8) room 11 & 14s sleepover. The school bully was really exited probably because he wants to bully people. Davey has bloude hair , blue eyes and a big 3D scar on his face. He is so big and tough that if he touched your head it would pop like a pimple. And the reason he is a bully is because when growing up is big sister bulled him all his life. But that night past midnight at reremoana primary and intermediate school the dark grey spooky sky topped off with a scary mist. All of room 11 and 14 were setting up there tents and then boom we all heard a scream and two bodies they were identified as Teia Francis and Kaitlyn Yakas-Dance. After all that drama all of us had to sleep in the hall . And that morning Mr Fourie and Mr Munro called the Parents of Teia Francis and Kaitlyn Yakas -Dance were told about the horrible tragedy but yet two bodies are still missing but the teachers were wondering if the fact that the school was built on a graveyard had any thing too do with the horrible tragedy but then we found the killer digging its blood thirsty fangs in too hannah mesleys neck when we shone the torch on the vampire it was ... there was a shocking silence  its Shayle Bertram right away Mr Fourie ripped out his cel-phone right out of his back pocket and called the ambulance and then Shayle got an injection that turned her back into a human and we all just forgot that horried night . And Teia , Hannah , and Kaitlyn got berryed in the graveyard across the street .

1 comment:

  1. Im glad i got an injection to turn back into a human Chole!
