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Thursday 21 February 2013

Milo Shield Tournament!

On Thursday the 21st February 2013 the Reremoana Girls Cricket team played in the first round of the Milo shield competition. The Milo shield is a nation wide cricket tournament for girls. This year we played in the first qualifying tournament at Mountford Park.

The three teams that played in the tournament was Reremoana School, The Gardens School and Manurewa Intermediate School. To prepare ourselves for this challenge Mr Fourie arrange for practices on Wednesday to Friday mornings from 7:30 - 8:30 and also every lunchtime. This helped a lot because now we understand the game and we enjoy playing it.

We played well and had a great time. We won the tournement by beating both of our oponents in very tough matches. Playing two games in a row was challenging.

A huge congratulations to every girls in our team. A big thanks to the Coach Mr Fourie, Alvin Strydom who helped out, all the parents and grandparents for helping with transport and Mr Pete Mesley for taking these awesome photos.

                                               Team Photos after the matches!
                                           Great bowling action Leslie!
                                          How's that!!!
                                          Hannah facing the MI attack.


  1. Congratulations girls. You did so well. Love from Mrs Bennett.

  2. Nice Work to everyone that played!!
